In the context of the DEFORM (Determine the global and financial cost of research misconduct) project, a web survey has been launched in order to record attitudes and perceptions of researchers on aspects of research misconduct. The project intends to reaching researchers in all possible and different sights of research (academia, industry, free lance for example), with a strong interest for the view of security researchers on research misconduct.
What is research misconduct?
The DEFORM consortium defines research misconduct as any practice deviating from the principles of research integrity outlined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, honesty in reporting and communicating, reliability in performing research, objectivity, impartiality and independence, openness and accessibility, duty of care, fairness in providing references and giving credits, and responsibility for future science generations.
This survey is conducted by the project’s partner Department of Sociology of the University of Crete, Greece and is fully anonymous.