Columbia School of Social Work is organising an online discussion on the “Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees & Displaced Population”

In this episode of Social Impact LIVE, host Richard Hara (bio) sits down with fellow CSSW lecturer Mashura Akilova, PHD’15 (bio) to discuss the likely impact of the novel coronavirus on refugee and displaced populations. Many of them have multiple severe risk factors,...

CMINE/DRIVER+Innovative Solutions Award 2020 honours three innovative crisis management solutions

In January 2020, the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE) and the DRIVER+ project organised a competition for crisis management solutions with high innovation potential. Stakeholders were invited to vote for the solutions registered for the competition...

The I4CM Copenhagen Event report was published

The fourth Innovation for Crisis Management event took place from 12th-13th June 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark. This edition hosted by the Danish Red Cross focused on volunteer management in a crisis situation, with special attention being paid to issues...

Video of IRONORE2019 exercise available

Video of IRONORE2019 exercise available

A video of the European Civil Protection Exercise IRONORE2019 which ran from 12 September 2019 to 15 September 2019 in Eisenerz, Austria is available. Take a look at it here. Trial Austria was designed in close synergy with the IRONORE2019 exercise. At this exercise...

DRIVER+ Final Demonstration: 26-28 Nov. 2019

DRIVER+ Final Demonstration: 26-28 Nov. 2019

The Final Demonstration (Final Demo) is the last Trial, concluding the series of DRIVER+ Trials.  It is being organised by the Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences and hosted in two different locations: The Main School of Fire Service, SGSP (Warsaw,...

DRIVER+ Trial Findings

DRIVER+ Trial Findings

 DRIVER+ has conducted four Trials so far. Different selected innovative technical solutions were benchmarked during these Trials in different contexts: - Toxic spill scenario in Warsaw, Poland (May 2018) -  Large forest fire in southern France (October 2018) -  Flood...

The Trial Austria video is online! Take a look at it

The Trial Austria video is online! Take a look at it

The DRIVER+ project successfully conducted its last Trial about a severe earthquake scenario in Eisenerz, Austria. This last Trial of the DRIVER+ project took place on 12-14 September 2019 in the Austrian region of Styria, gathering more than 80 participants from all...



The User Workshop that DRIVER+ organised on 17 October 2019 in Brussels convened more than 50 people and provided an opportunity for several practitioners to explain what their experience has been using DRIVER+ outputs in their work. Part of the day was structured...

DRIVER+ User Workshop on 17/10 in Brussels

DRIVER+ User Workshop on 17/10 in Brussels

A one-day DRIVER+ User workshop is organised on 17 October in Brussels with the objective of promoting the uptake of DRIVER+ tools by practitioner organisations. During this workshop, participants will be able to explore interactively how to use and adopt the DRIVER+...

DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise

DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise

The Press Release about the DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise is now online. Find out more about it at the following link. Moreover, we will take advantage of the DRIVER+ User Workshop taking place in Brussels on 17 October to present the guiding tools to organisations...


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