The 3rd Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) annual Seminar took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 26-27 April, integrated within the events of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council. The seminar was co-organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, whose good collaboration was essential for the success of the event.

Speakers included the Vice President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Konstantin Hadjiivanov, the Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Interior, Milko Berner, the Deputy Director General of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Charlina Vitcheva and the Director for Space Security and Migration at the JRC, Dan Chirondojan.

Project DRIVER+ was also presented at the seminar by Dr. Marcel Van Berlo of TNO. The presentation, with the title “Empowering Crisis Management Practitioner’s in their Capability Development”, introduced DRIVER+ to the attendants of the seminar and demonstrated the project’s stages, emphasizing the project’s trials, the Portfolio of Solutions and the cooperation between practitioners and solution providers.

The presentation of Dr. Marcel Van Berlo on DRIVER+ is available here. All the presentations delivered by the key speakers are available at the DRMKC web portal.

The DRIVER+ consortium would like to warmly thank the DRMKC for offering an opportunity to present our ongoing activities on the occasion of this event.