DRIVER+ User Workshop on 17/10 in Brussels

A one-day DRIVER+ User workshop is organised on 17 October in Brussels with the objective of promoting the uptake of DRIVER+ tools by practitioner organisations. During this workshop, participants will be able to explore interactively how to use and adopt the DRIVER+...

DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise

The Press Release about the DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise is now online. Find out more about it at the following link. Moreover, we will take advantage of the DRIVER+ User Workshop taking place in Brussels on 17 October to present the guiding tools to organisations...

DRIVER+ Final Conference- Register now to book your seat!

Are you a Crisis Management practitioner interested in innovation? Are you a solution provider? Are you involved in a Crisis Management project or initiative? Are you a policy maker impacted by Crisis Management issues? Then please join us at the DRIVER+ Final...

Broad media coverage of Trial Austria

Trial Austria, the last of the four crisis management trials conducted as part of DRIVER+, took place in the region of Eisenerz, Styria, from 12 to 14 September. In this final trial, Austrian communications solutions for crisis and disaster management were deployed in...

DRIVER+ User Workshop, Brussels, 17 October 2019

DRIVER+ is organising a User Workshop on October 17th 2019 in Brussels which provides a unique opportunity to learn and discuss how DRIVER+ products can contribute to the capability development of practitioner organisations. Crisis Management practitioners that have...