Trial Poland Results and Recommendations now available!

Amongst the huge amount of public reports, press releases, tweets, LinkedIn messages provided by the Consortium those days, you will find the very first results and recommendations raised after the DRIVER+ Trial Poland which took place in Warsaw on May 2018. This...

The training module public report V2 is now online!

The DRIVER+ Training Module design is based on the feedback received on: Earlier conducted training activities during project meetings, Trial Guidance Methodology support provided to the project’s Trials 1-4 as well as, Interviews with project-external education...

Want to know more about DRIVER+ Portfolio of Solutions!

The Portfolio of Solutions (PoS) is a database driven website on all available Crisis Management Solutions: Tested and evaluated during the DRIVER+ Trials and, Extended to third party solutions already used by practitioners or relevant to Crisis Management Please see...

I4CM: the 4th Edition has just ended!

DRIVER+ 4th edition of I4CM has been taken place this week on 12-13 June 2019 at the Kosmopol Centre in Copenhagen, co-hosted by the Danish Red Cross. During 2 days, lots of live updates have been shared on the DRIVER+ Media channels around the theme of Managing...