Trial Austria: Rehearsal in August!

In order to get well prepared for the Trial Austria taking place on 12-14 September, a second rehearsal of the Trial, called DryRun2 is scheduled on 19-23 August. As a reminder, the Trial Austria, is focussing on a strong earthquake scenario and subsequent heavy rains...

Post I4CM Event Press Release

The fourth edition of the I4CM was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 12 and 13 June 2019, gathering more than 120 participants from 27 different countries. The event focused on the “Volunteer Management in a Crisis Situation”, with special attention being paid to issues...

DRIVER+ Upcoming Trial

The upcoming DRIVER+ Trial is taking place in Austria on 12-14 September. It will focus on a strong earthquake and subsequent heavy rains simulated in the central area of Austria, causing severe damage in the most affected area, the local region of Eisenerz (in...

I4CM video published- Take a look at it!

Innovation For Crisis Management I4CM events bring together all stakeholders of the European Crisis Management ecosystem around particular themes! If you want to learn more about the last two editions in Poland (3-4 September 2018)  and Denmark (12-13 June 2019),...

DRIVER+ Trial France Results and Recommendations released!

The Trial took place in the Southern France on October 2018 focussing on a large forest fire scenario. Similarly to Trial Poland, this document offers a condensed overview of the trial and its results. One of the recommendations raised after the Trial is that a method...