Trial Austria has now begun in a very nice environment, after a few days of technical setting up and general introduction  and functional explanations of the 5 innovative solutions given to practitioners and observers:

CrowdTasker (AIT)
Instructing non-institutional volunteers with customisable tasks, contextual information and alerts, and crowdsourcing information from them.

Airborne and Terrestrial Situational Awareness (DLR)
Remote sensing for disaster overview and response actions planning via aerial images provided by a remotely piloted vehicle.

vieWTerra Evolution (VWORLD)
Building a virtual 4D representation of any potential crisis area on Earth, available both on desktop PC and mobile devices.

Psychological First Aid -PFA (Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support)
Scenario enabled PFA capacity-building, comprising knowledge, guidelines and an experimental training package.

Reducing response time by collecting, communication and managing operationally relevant information such as photos, geo-texts or assessment forms.

For more information on the solutions and their providers, please refer to the dedicated Trial section of this website.