A video of Trial# 1 that took place in the context of the DRIVER+ project in Warsaw from 21st to 25th May was just released. DRIVER+ Trial 1 was organised to demonstrate the potential interest of a more integrated high-level Crisis Management system in the European Union, in terms of improved situation assessment & awareness, coordination, resource pooling & sharing and cross-border cooperation.
The Trial itself provided a practical demonstration of the potential of a Common Operational Picture (COP) approach at the European level.
The scenario of Trial #1 was a massive release of chemical agent and its main aim was to simulate coordinated actions at local, regional, national and international level, with the purpose of counteracting the effects of a major crisis and testing the selected CM solutions in a realistic environment.
Three technological solutions were tested which enabled sharing a common operational picture and improve assessment and decision making through 3D mapping from a drone and dynamic modelling of flood wave spreading.
The event was held at the Polish Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) over 4 days.
Consult the video here for a detailed summary of Trial #1 and the tested solutions.