DRIVER+ Trial#1 sets out to demonstrate the potential interest of a more integrated high-level Crisis Management system in the European Union, in terms of improved situation assessment & awareness, coordination, resource pooling & sharing and cross-border cooperation. The Trial itself provides a practical demonstration of the potential of a Common Operational Picture (COP) approach at the European level.

The aim of this Trial is to simulate coordinated actions at local, regional, national and international level, with the purpose of counteracting the effects of a major crisis and testing the selected CM solutions in a realistic environment. It will also evaluate the DRIVER+ Test-bed and methodology that has been developed.

On Wednesday 23rd May, tabletop exercises take place at the SGSP headquarters. Three solutions are tested:

  • SOCRATES OC (GMV): aiming to improve the shared situation awareness amongst the different bodies involved in the management of a crisis events, and to help the practitioners to make well-informed decision by providing and supporting the real time exchange of information about the operational situation.
  • 3Di (Nelen and Schuurmans): a cloud-based versatile water management instrument that enables flood forecastingand risk mapping. 3Di models are fast, accurate and visual. 3Di results present flooding locations, water depths, arrival times and damages in high detail.
  • Drone Rapid Mapping (Hexagon): enables an incident or a crisis area to be mapped quickly using cloud computing.A drone operator conducts a flight over an area of interest and acquires imagery (using the on-board camera) in line with the standard operational procedures. Data is uploaded into the cloud and automatically processed.

Do want to know more about Trial 1 and the solutions to be tested? Click here and follow us on Twitter @DRIVER_PROJECT