THIRD Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) event
3rd- 4th September 2018, Warsaw, Poland
The 3rd I4CM was a succes
Have a look at the Press release !
Have a look at the Event report!
What are the I4CM events?
The Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM) events aim to contribute to building a shared understanding in Crisis Management through the organisation of an annual event focusing on Crisis Management topics, allowing to address issues of common interest, to develop synergies between initiatives and to discuss the research roadmap for Horizon 2020 and beyond. The event allows local practitioners and solution providers to meet and exchange on best practices and lessons learnt, while providing projects and initiatives with an opportunity to increase their visibility and impact and to liaise with any interested stakeholders, including organisations developping similar projects in other regions of the world. It intends to make projects in the field of Crisis Management accessible to a wider range of external stakeholders in a specific region.
What was the focus of this 3rd edition?
This edition hosted by DIN, ITTI and PSCE Europe and supported by CEN and Polska Platforma focused on standardisation and identified regional-national pressing issues faced by local practitioners such as inter-agencies cooperation and interoperability of communication systems. Furthermore, this edition gave the participants to hear about the initial results of the first Trial organised by DRIVER+, conducted in Warsaw from May 21 to 25, 2018 but also to receive the latest information about the organisation of the second Trial organised in Valabre (France) in October 2018.
The concept & programme in a nutshell
As the I4CM intends to bring people in the Crisis Management community closer, the event was organized along two lines: a CONFERENCE programme on the first day with dedicated panels and speakers and an OFF programme, consisting of more interactive experiences, on the second day.
September 3rd – The CONFERENCE programme included sessions on inter-agency and cross border cooperation processes and instruments, on challenges and obstacles in sharing and coordinating information during multi-agency disaster, and on the importance of standards development in case of multi-agency disaster response. It closed with a forum of ideas, providing a space for initiatives in Crisis Management to inform on their activities, solutions and results. More information about the sessions are available below.
September 4th – The OFF programme alternated between parallel workshops and hands-on sessions that allowed participants to meet, share experiences, and learn more about the activities of the DRIVER+ project and related initiatives. Moreover, a poster area and a market place showcasing innovative Crisis Management solutions were central to the event.
The event was solutions-focused, with outputs integrated into DRIVER+’s work plan. It aimed to strengthen efforts to create a Community of Practice in Crisis Management (namely the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe, which will be presented on this occasion) whose members can co-create and apply best practices in their organisations. DRIVER+ wants to cultivate a culture of innovation in Crisis Management, with actors working together according to a harmonised set of principles and actions. More information on the workshops are available below.